- To establish, promote, maintain and assist in financial support or any other aid and to help in setting up or maintaining orphanages, old age homes, other care homes, widow homes, lunatic asylums…etc.
- To provide schemes for livelihood and upliftment of poor.
- To render food, medicine and other help in any shape or form to the poor and needy people.
- To introduce and run the centers for child adoption using all methods such as open adoption ,acting as facilitator , nodal agency, etc for initiating and promoting the child adoption.
- To aid in setting up of boarding houses, library, reading rooms…etc.
- To encourage primary, secondary and higher education including technical and medical education, physical training, training of hand crafts, etc.
- To establish running hospitals, charitable dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centers, hostels and similar institutions for rendering medical relief to the suffering humanities or for research centre.
- To provide assistance for the relief of the persons and animals affected by natural and other calamities such as flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake, etc.
- To help by means of cash or other medium for the poor, destitute people, widows etc.
- To distribute blankets, rugs, woolen clothes, etc
- To grand scholarships,stipends,rewards,allowances and other financial assistance or other means with the aim of helping them in prosecuting their studies in school, colleges, research or educational works in India and abroad.
- To foster education, fine arts among women folk in general and establish institution imparting such education and provide support in monetary gifts or otherwise, to provide social welfare works for women and children’s.